Conquistadors - Based as Elements for DBR and similar rule sets.
Mostly Foundry with a few very minor conversions.  All mounted figures are from TAG
A note on the basing.  For convenience (mine) I stuck with just the two sizes.  60 x 60 and 60 x 30
Blades - 4 elements
Foundry Conquistadors Painted
Foundry Conquistadors Painted DBR
Foundry Conquistadors Painted
Foundry Conquistadors Painted Spanish DBA
Spears - 1 element
Foundry Conquistadors Painted
SpShooters - 3 elements
Foundry Conquistadors Painted
Foundry Conquistadors Painted
Foundry Conquistadors Painted
Artillery - 1 element
Foundry Conquistadors Painted
Wardogs - 1 element  (I think the dogs are OOP Vendel.)
Cavalry - 1  element
Command - 1 element